3D Printed Eye Prostheses Can Help Children with Missing or Underdeveloped Eyes to Grow Normally

3D Printed Eye Prostheses Can Help Children with Missing or Underdeveloped Eyes to Grow Normally

3D Printed Eye Prostheses Can Help Children with Missing or Underdeveloped Eyes to Grow Normally

Microphthalmia is a condition in which babies are born with severely underdeveloped eyes, while anophthalmia is a condition in which one or both eyes are missing altogether. Both conditions obviously cause blindness, but that's not the only complication - without a full-sized eye, the eye socket won't grow and develop normally, causing facial deformity.
Microphthalmia is a condition in which babies are born with severely underdeveloped eyes, while anophthalmia is a condition in which one or both eyes are missing altogether. Both conditions obviously cause blindness, but that's not the only complication - without a full-sized eye, the eye socket won't grow and develop normally, causing facial deformity.
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