3D printed heart valve has potential to reduce surgical risk

3D printed heart valve has potential to reduce surgical risk

3D printed heart valve has potential to reduce surgical risk

3D printing is currently being used to manufacture everything from scoliosis braces Zhen Qian, chief of cardiovascular imaging research at the Piedmont Heart Institute, and Mike Gaisford, director of marketing for medical solutions at Stratasys, a 3D printer manufacturer, discuss the How did your team decide to use imaging and 3D printing to model a patient's heart?
3D printing is currently being used to manufacture everything from scoliosis braces Zhen Qian, chief of cardiovascular imaging research at the Piedmont Heart Institute, and Mike Gaisford, director of marketing for medical solutions at Stratasys, a 3D printer manufacturer, discuss the How did your team decide to use imaging and 3D printing to model a patient's heart?
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