Meet the man using 3D printing in Cornwall to turn broken fishing nets into shoes and car parts

Meet the man using 3D printing in Cornwall to turn broken fishing nets into shoes and car parts

Meet the 3D printer turning fishing nets into shoes and car parts in Cornwall

From broken fishing nets to shoes, clothes and even car parts or racing yachts, one man is on a mission to revolutionise the 3D printing industry right here in Cornwall. Ian Falconer is looking to turn the nets into the raw material that will become fins for surfboards, parts for cars, shoes and even clothes for the fashion industry.
From broken fishing nets to shoes, clothes and even car parts or racing yachts, one man is on a mission to revolutionise the 3D printing industry right here in Cornwall. Ian Falconer is looking to turn the nets into the raw material that will become fins for surfboards, parts for cars, shoes and even clothes for the fashion industry.
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