This 3D Printed Arm Was Designed To Help A Boy Play The Cello

This 3D Printed Arm Was Designed To Help A Boy Play The Cello

This 3D Printed Arm Was Designed To Help A Boy Play The Cello

In 2015, 3D printing surpassed $5.1 billion. From robotic hands and drones to dresses, guns and even houses, the industry continues to grow. However, according to Kit Eaton, technology journalist and 3D printing enthusiast, 3D printing hasn't quite taken off in the way that some predicted.
In 2015, 3D printing surpassed $5.1 billion. From robotic hands and drones to dresses, guns and even houses, the industry continues to grow. However, according to Kit Eaton, technology journalist and 3D printing enthusiast, 3D printing hasn't quite taken off in the way that some predicted.
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