This Inspiring Teen Is Transforming Recycled Plastic Into Affordable Prosthetics

This Inspiring Teen Is Transforming Recycled Plastic Into Affordable Prosthetics

This Inspiring Teen Is Transforming Recycled Plastic Into Affordable Prosthetics

Aaron Westbrook, a high school student from Ohio, is just 18 years old - but the project he has created is a lesson in innovation, sustainability, and care for people and the planet at large. Having already launched an inventive non-profit, Form5, he has a goal of creating a series of sustainable prosthetics - and to make them, he is using recycled plastic waste.
Aaron Westbrook, a high school student from Ohio, is just 18 years old - but the project he has created is a lesson in innovation, sustainability, and care for people and the planet at large. Having already launched an inventive non-profit, Form5, he has a goal of creating a series of sustainable prosthetics - and to make them, he is using recycled plastic waste.
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