Want to play with virtual reality, 3-D printing or video games? Head to a museum

Want to play with virtual reality, 3-D printing or video games? Head to a museum

Want to play with virtual reality, 3-D printing or video games? Head to a museum

Wanting to try your hand at the latest technology, whether it's augmented reality or 3-D printing? Head to a museum. Local museums have adapted to the swift progress of technology, incorporating both established tech, such as apps and video games, and with the cutting edge, such as 3-D printing and virtual and augmented reality.
Wanting to try your hand at the latest technology, whether it's augmented reality or 3-D printing? Head to a museum. Local museums have adapted to the swift progress of technology, incorporating both established tech, such as apps and video games, and with the cutting edge, such as 3-D printing and virtual and augmented reality.
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